
You can probably guess that cannabinoids have something to do with cannabis…and you’d be right!  However, the effect that cannabinoids have in the body are not quite what people think them to be. Often times people think that the more THC (a specific cannabinoid called tetrahydrocannabinol) a strain has, the better or stronger the experience will be.  This has some, but limited, truth.

THC is the psychoactive compound contained in cannabis, giving the user the a sense of euphoria, a change in mood, changes in perception of time, etc.  However, most of the other cannabinoids are NOT psychoactive. That’s right, they don’t necessarily have much to do with the experience. Other cannabinoids, like CBD (cannabidiol), are responsible for cannabis’ anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsive, anti-nausea, and blood-sugar/appetite suppressing effects.  Cannabinoids are often responsible for the effects that are related to function in the body and less about the “feel” of the experience, though there are some exceptions. As mentioned in another blog post, terpenes are generally responsible for “flavoring” the experience, both literally and metaphorically.  Check out our blog post on terpenes to understand this interplay between cannabinoids and terpenes, which has now been called “The Entourage Effect.”

Cannabinoids have application to be powerful replacements for drugs used in a variety of illnesses and diseases.  Many people who suffer from diseases that cause convulsions or seizures gain relief by using CBD oils. These oils often work as well, or better, than the current medications that exist, without all the nasty side-effects, and can be applied topically, ingested, or vaped/smoked.  Check out our post on vaping to understand the benefits/convenience of vaping versus other methods of use.  The chart below shows the varying effects that different cannabinoids have on various processes in the body, as well as their ability to relieve pain.

[ Infographic Coming Soon ]

While our products do not contain cannabinoids, you can use our USDA organic certified flavors or strain specific profiles in combination with cannabinoids to elevator your mood, or improve the taste of your regimens.  Here at Heaven Scent, we only want to lift you up and never bring you down!